Tweens, Self Esteem, and lets get it better!

April 13, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

On this blog I want to focus on the kids that might need a lift. You don't have to feel like your child or grandchild is the only one going through difficulties in school with peers or siblings.  It happens in Nebraska, any neighborhood or school in the US.  We want to remind you that they are not alone and help you provide them with the tools they need to succeed.  I was one of those kids and it hurts. As an adult I can still remember that tween awkward pain. Timeless Nebraska Photography offers Tween Sessions!  

Our focus on the  session is that this is All About Them!  No other siblings or friends are welcome in studio for this session as we do not want to lose our focus on them.  We find out before the session what your tweens dreams and interests are and we have a tween photo session plan that focuses on that interest, hobby or sport.  My goal is to raise their self-esteem.  Let’s focus on what they are great at or what they love!  For each session the tween will get a special print they select to have for their room.  Mom and Dad can of course purchase more but the focus is on your tween only for this session.  Check that contact me button on my page and lets schedule!

I also have Grandparents that do this for holiday gifts!  It is hard to buy for tweens and sometimes cash is not a great idea for kids that age. It is all about the experience at Timeless Nebraska Photography and for those of you who do not know, I am in Omaha, Nebraska,  just on the fringe of Benson.  I photograph in studio under the lights and the tweens love it!  I have a special rate just for tweens and more information if you contact me.  

Have a great day! 




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